Late spring weather conditions ripe for resource damage
Written by Beth on June 17, 2019
Sheridan, WY- June 14, 2019- With the unseasonably wet and cool weather we have been experiencing on the Bighorn National Forest, roads and trails are saturated and unstable in some areas. Forest Service officials are delaying the opening of some roads and closing others to prevent resource damage and to protect public safety.

As a reminder, it is illegal to damage an existing travel way and it could lead to additional road closures. Please do your part to ensure safe and legal access for yourself and others. “We are urging you to respect and comply with road closures,” says Andrew Johnson, Bighorn National Forest Supervisor, “The need to repair ruts and other damage to roads and trails will limit the amount of other road maintenance the Forest Service will be able to perform this summer and may make travel difficult. We are working to reopen routes as soon as conditions allow. Thank you for your patience”
Below is a list of roads that are currently closed on the Medicine Wheel Ranger District. Closures are not entirely limited to the Medicine Wheel Ranger District but they have the bulk of the issue:
FSR 10 (Hunt Mtn Road) – Closed for entire route due to snow / soft roadbed
FSR 12 (Medicine Wheel Road) – Closed at kiosk due to snow; kiosk unstaffed due to snow
FSR 13 (Porcupine Road) – Closed at fishing pond due to soft roadbed
FSR 125 (Little Horn Road) – Closed for entire route due to snow / soft roadbed
FSR 133 (Duncum Creek Road) – Closed from Jaws Trailhead to FSR 14 due to snow / soft roadbed
FSR 17 (Paintrock Road) – Closed from Ranger Creek Campground/Group Site to end of road due to snow / soft roadbed
FSR 338 (Alkali Road) – Closed at the Forest Boundary due to snow / soft road bed
For more information, please contact your local Forest Service Office: Greybull 307-765-4435, Sheridan 307-674-2600, and Buffalo 307-684-7806.
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