Wyoming Legislature Considers Measure To Allow Challenge To Adjudication Of Mental Illness

Written by on August 16, 2019

A Joint Judiciary Interim Committee of the Wyoming Legislature is meeting for a second day today at Casper College.

One of the items the committee will consider is a draft proposal for a bill to establish a process, pursuant to federal law, whereby a person adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution can petition the court in Wyoming to lift restrictions, under federal law, which prohibit them from owning firearms.

The burden of proof will be on the petitioner to prove to the court that he or she is not only mentally fit to own firearms, but that they are not a danger to themselves or the community.

To that end the proposal would empower the district attorney in the county where the person was adjudicated mentally unfit to obtain and use any and all mental health records, juvenile records, and criminal history of the petitioner wherever maintained.

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