Gurley Overpass Update
Written by broebling on October 30, 2017
Press Release – The tentative opening date of the Gurley Overpass has changed to November 1st. Given the amount of work completed on Saturday, there is a reasonable expectation that the resurfacing of the barriers can be completed by 5 p.m. on November 1st. There will be another closure on or around November 8th for the application of a water repellent sealer. This closure will be one or two days in length.
The reason for the closure of the Gurley Overpass is for rehabilitation of the side barriers. As the project progressed, the scope of the work has increased 2.7 times over the original estimate. This was due to the barriers being thicker than described in the original drawings. The drawings showed the concrete at a uniform depth of 1.5 inches from the surface to the underlying rebar throughout the barriers. As demolition proceeded, it was discovered that the barriers were closer to 4 inches thick from the surface to the underlying rebar in the center of the barriers. This resulted in more material being removed and more material needed to repair the patches, as well as the increase in the amount of time to affect repairs.
For more information, contact Communications Manager Geno Palazzari at (307) 696-5393.