Enzi Says Senate Health Care Bill Revision Offers Good Things

Written by on July 14, 2017

Press Release – More options in order to get better care. That’s what GOP senators say they are offering with a revised version of their health care system overhaul.

“I don’t know many people who think our health care status quo should be left in place. We need to make changes,” said U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo. “We shared a draft a few weeks ago for everyone to see. We’ve listened and made revisions. All senators will have a chance to offer further changes in an open amendment process. This is how legislating works.”

Enzi said the new draft released today contains more options for Americans to buy lower-premium plans. More people would have financial support to pay for health care costs. The draft bill, for the first time, would allow people to use their Health Savings Accounts to pay for their premiums. The draft bill would create a fund for the purpose of making payments to specified health insurance issuers for covering high-risk individuals on the Affordable Care Act’s Individual Exchange. The draft bill would help rural hospitals by allowing for more accurate Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) related decisions and maximum benefit to states to assist in providing uncompensated care. The legislation includes provisions for more coverage of out-of-pocket health care costs, resources to combat opioid addiction and more.

Enzi is chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. He helped write the draft bill and is charged with ensuring the Senate will be able to consider the proposal through a budget process called “reconciliation.” This process will allow senators to pass the draft bill with a simple majority vote instead of the 60 that is often required.

“I’m disappointed in the fear-mongering that we’re seeing. Opposition seems automatic, mechanical. That doesn’t help us make the changes we need to make. Americans with pre-existing conditions will be able to get coverage. It will strengthen Medicaid for those who need it most. There are no lifetime limits,” Enzi said. “The journey to a better American health care system begins here.”

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