Affiliate – Gillette

Page: 182

The combined economic and societal costs of smoking now totals more than $300 billion a year and continues to rise. The personal-finance website WalletHub released a report on The Real Cost of Smoking by State.  There are an estimated 37.8 million tobacco users in the U.S. and WalletHub calculated the potential monetary losses including the […]

Wearing a yellow safety vest Mark Gordon is shown flanked by four statewide elected officials and Wyoming Chief Justice Michael Davis. The Republican took the oath of office today in the Rotunda of the Wyoming State Capitol in Cheyenne with the American flag draping the scaffolding. The building which is more than 128 years of […]

As we shared last week, many big game applications are now open and must be submitted online. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department reminds hunters that ‘Residents’ and ‘Non-Residents’ can apply for: Elk, Antelope, Deer, Spring Turkey, Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Mountain Goat. The first deadline is approaching for Non-Resident Elk as well as Resident […]

Resolutions come and go and so do “Fads”; from doing a detox cleanse, to jogging, jazzercise, yoga and even adult coloring books—and it’s that time of year where we are most hopeful—a new year! With one week officially in the books I’m curious; How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? For me, I […]

With the unemployment rate at an eighteen-year low of 3.7 percent and employers expecting to hire 16.6 percent more college graduates from the Class of 2019 than from the previous graduating cohort, the personal-finance website WalletHub has ranked the strongest job markets in the U.S. They compared more than 180 cities across 30 key metrics. […]

Jacob Wallentine, 27, faces multiple possession charges along with felony manslaughter and felony disposing of a dead human body after he reportedly injected Tamlyn Delgado with heroin, causing her to die from an overdose and then informants state he moved her body to Eagle’s Nest Apartments back on October 3- where she was later discovered […]

CCH restricts visiting at The Legacy and Maternal Child Unit due to Flu December 2018 GILLETTE, WY – Campbell County Health has initiated visiting restrictions at The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center  and Campbell County Memorial Hospital Maternal Child unit due to cases of the flu, or influenza. Visiting restrictions are in place to help […]

The holidays are here and that means decorations come out of storage and guests gather. Keep your beloved furbabies safe by taking a few moments to pet-proof your home for the holidays to avoid unforeseen hazards. Avoid These Dangerous Foods Chocolates- Chocolate products contain methylxanthines, which include caffeine and theobromine. Depending on the type and amount […]

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