Local News

Page: 172

Press Release – Campbell County Health (CCH) is hosting two sessions of Camp Med in July: Monday, July 16 from 9 am-5 pm Monday, July 30 from 9 am-5 pm Both sessions take place at Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH), 501 S. Burma Avenue in Gillette, Wyoming. Camp Med is CCH’s one-day camp to introduce 11 […]

Press Release – The CAM-PLEX Heritage Center Theater is proud to announce a Performing Arts Workshop stage production of The Little Mermaid, based on the Disney film and the classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. The Performing Arts Workshop (PAW) is a musical theatre experience for students ages 6-20. Students cultivate their singing, acting, […]


Press Release –  U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., joined Senator Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and 28 other Senate Republicans last week to urge the Trump Administration to expand access to lower-cost health insurance to potentially millions more Americans. In a letter sent to the Department of Labor, the senators urged it to issue a final […]

National Weather Service – Overall it will be cool and wet this Saturday through next week. Average temps are 53/80 (Rapid City), 49/79 (Gillette), and 56/84 (Philip), and overall we should be 5-10 degrees below the average highs, with Father’s Day and Monday especially cool and wet(temperatures struggling to reach the low 60s on Sunday). […]

Press Release – Hundreds of RV families are pointing their modern-day stagecoaches toward Gillette, Wyoming, to take part in an event that FMCA — an international association for RV owners — has dubbed “Wanted In Wyoming” in honor of the host area. CAM-PLEX Multi-Event Facilities will be the venue for FMCA’s 98th International Convention & […]

Press Release – The Campbell County Health (CCH) Board of Trustees is now accepting applications for a trustee to fill a vacancy. Applications can be completed online or downloaded at www.cchwyo.org/trustapp, or can be picked up at CCH Administration, located at 501 S. Burma Avenue, near the Human Resources Department on the Ground Floor. Completed applications […]

Press Release – At a Senate hearing Tuesday, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., thanked the Trump Administration for presenting a blueprint earlier this year, known as “American Patients First,” to help lower drug prices for consumers. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, who attended the hearing as a witness, described the proposal as […]

Press Release – A broad coalition of stakeholders met Monday, June 11, 2018 at a statewide forum on public safety to identify priorities and discuss how Wyoming will use a data-driven approach to analyze and address challenges in the state’s criminal justice system. Wyoming’s prison population has increased significantly in recent years and is projected to […]

Press Release – Devils Tower area residents celebrate history with music and picnics at the Old Settlers’ Picnic on Sunday June 24. Festivities will begin at 12:30 pm in the picnic area at Devils Tower National Monument. Pioneer gatherings at the Tower started during the 1890s.  The men and women who settled the towns and […]

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