Local News

Page: 178

Press Release – Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s bill H.R. 401 designating the geological formation at Devils Tower National Monument as Devils Tower, and protecting the name of one of Wyoming’s most beloved and well-known landmarks, passed the House Natural Resources Committee today. “Wyoming’s Devils Tower is one of our state’s most beautiful and sacred geological features. The […]

Press Release – In Wyoming, as students are showing solidarity with the victims of the Parkland shooting, and focus on school safety, Safe2Tell Wyoming would like to join in support for the students seeking to be active members of their school and community, regardless of their political positions. “Safe2Tell Wyoming gives students, parents and teachers […]

Press Release – Campbell County Health (CCH) is hosting EMS University on April 12-14, 2018 at CAM-PLEX Energy Hall in Gillette, Wyoming.  The annual conference is designed to provide continuing education credits for Emergency Medical Technicians, paramedics, first responders and industry safety personnel.  The conference tracks include courses in basic life support and advanced life support. […]

Press Release – The Campbell County Rockpile Museum Board of Directors is currently working on a five-year strategic plan for the Rockpile Museum and hopes that the citizens of Campbell County will give their input via an online survey. The board’s plan is to set a direction for the museum for the next five years […]

Press Release – Gillette College Foundation is pleased to announce that it has received a $30,000 grant from the Daniels Fund to provide Boundless Opportunity Scholarships to non-traditional students. The Boundless Opportunity Scholarship is designed to benefit motivated non-traditional students who recognize the power of education to create a better life for themselves and their families. […]

Press Release – Have you been curious about Amateur Radio but didn’t know where to start? Are you a licensed “Ham” but haven’t connected up with others in our area? Maybe you have taken the test, gotten your first license…and then never followed up and gotten “on-the-air?” This Friday evening (March 8th) the North East […]

Press Release – During an oversight hearing today focused on the Department of Defense’s ongoing audit and business operations reform at the Pentagon, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said that rebuilding the military and reforming the way the Pentagon does business must go hand in hand. “Our nation faces grave […]

Press Release – On March 6th, 2018, at approximately 1:30 am, an individual gained entrance to the Governor’s residence, activated a fire alarm, then hid inside the house.  Firefighters and law enforcement from the Cheyenne Police Department, Laramie County Sheriff’s Office and Wyoming Highway Patrol responded.  The subject, identified as Antonie Lewis, was quickly discovered, […]

The Gillette Police Department has officers and detectives on site. From Campbell County School District: Good morning my name is Dennis Holmes, Principal at Thunder Basin High School. We have rumors regarding a possible threat to the school. We have not found any credible information regarding the threat. We have a heightened sense of awareness […]

Press Release – Thirteen things you must do when you hire your first employee will be part of the discussion when the Powder River Basin Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management speaks at the March 13 Lunch & Learn sponsored by the Energy Capital Enterprise Center. The presentation is aimed at entrepreneurs and […]

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