Local News
Page: 182
Press Release – The Campbell County Rockpile Museum is pleased to announce a temporary exhibit featuring original World War II images by photographer’s mate J.L. “Jack” Bennick. Join us for the exhibit opening on Thursday, February 15, 2018 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm for light refreshments and a brief discussion about Jack Bennick and his […]
The City of Gillette would like to congratulate Officer Julianne Witham as the latest quarterly P.R.I.D.E. recipient. Officer Witham has had several large cases lately that have been very labor intensive. Because of her diligence, several felonies have been solved ranging from a suspect stealing wire throughout the city to a suspect in Rock Springs […]
Press Release – The Library Foundation Inc. (LFI) is pleased to announce winners of the 7th Annual Library Foundation Graphic Novel Character Contest. This contest began in 2012 as a way to promote Campbell County Public Library’s new-at-the-time adult graphic novel collection. A record-setting, fifty-one entries were submitted in this year’s contest; twenty-eight in the […]
Press Release – Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving a theft that occurred on the 100 block of Valley Drive between January 24, 2018 and January 26, 2018. Unknown persons took a metal lock box containing cash, silver coins, and a social security card from the residence. If you have information that can solve this […]
Press Release – The Wyoming Livestock Board Veterinary Staff in conjunction with CAM-PLEX management will be hosting a public informative meeting regarding Equine Herpes Virus Meyeloencephalopathy and recent cases in Campbell County. The meeting is open to all wanting to attend, there will be a brief overview of the disease with a question and answer […]
Campbell County School District : Two hour delay John Paul 2 : Two hour delay, Sunrise Program will be open this morning.
Press Release (02-07-2018) As we get closer to the predicted storm, NWS has dropped the snow amounts and are now saying total snow accumulations in northern Campbell and Western Crook Counties may be 2 to 4 inches and up to 5 in other areas. They are also saying light freezing rain is also possible late […]
Press Release – Gillette resident Carol Jandreau has been familiar with Hospice programs for many years. But about four years ago, after retiring from administrative assistant work at a local coal mine, she decided she wanted to get more involved with Campbell County Health’s Hospice program, and became a volunteer. Each week, Carol spends several […]
Press Release – The National Weather Service is developing more confidence in their forecasts concerning the storm that is predicted for Thursday afternoon through Friday morning…and it’s looking like the worst for Campbell County/Gillette will be Thursday evening drive-time. This storm will be coming down from the north…so for once Montana and northern Wyoming and […]
Press Release – A confirmed case of Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) type 1was diagnosed at the end of last week according to local veterinarian Dr. Marshall Kohr of the Animal Medical Center. This horse was subsequently humanely euthanized due to advanced neurologic signs. A second horse is showing milder clinical neurologic signs and is hospitalized […]