Local News
Page: 186
Press Release – The Campbell County Fire Department responded to the following incidents on December 27, 2017 At 11:06 p.m. to East 12th Street for an emergency medical response. Fire department personnel provided patient care. At 12:12 p.m. to Gurley Avenue and Warlow Drive for a report of semi-tractor with hot brakes that were smoking. […]
Press Release – The National Weather Service has issued the following statement: “We are looking at an extended period of snow across the area, starting tonight and continuing through Saturday night. Snowfall accumulations of 2 to 6 inches is possible over a 48-60 hour period. Arctic air will spill into the area for the weekend. […]
Press Release – The Christmas Tree Drop Off site opens December 26th at the Gillette College Tech Center at 3251 S. 4J Road. The site will remain open until January 28th. Please remove all decorations before dropping off your tree. No artificial trees can be dropped off. The trees will be chipped and used in […]
Press Release – United Blood Services is proud to once again partner with area law enforcement and firefighters for the 10th Annual Guns and Hoses Community Blood Drive at the Campbell County Recreation Center December 27 – 29. This is a friendly blood drive competition between Team Fire and Team Law to see who can recruit […]
Press Release – The Campbell County Health (CCH) Board of Trustees is now accepting applications for a trustee to fill a vacancy following the resignation of Trustee Mike Dugan. Applications can be completed online or downloaded at www.cchwyo.org/trustapp, or can be picked up at CCH Administration, located at 501 S. Burma Avenue, near the Human Resources […]
Press Release – Prominent Community Leaders, Veterans, Colorful Characters, and Loved Family Members of the Campbell County community has in many ways been buried in the past at Mount Pisgah Cemetery, and in the many small cemeteries in the area. Bringing this history to life with community participation, the Cemetery District has recently launched new interactive […]
Press Release – The Gurley Overpass will be closed on December 19th from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The reason for the closure is to allow for the drilling of test cores in the deck to determine the extent of the delamination and refine quantities for the deck repair and epoxy overlay project to be […]
Press Release – Each Christmas season tens of thousands of volunteers will count and record each individual bird and bird species they encounter during one calendar day, within a 15-mile diameter circle. This year, the Audubon Christmas Bird Count will mobilize over 72,000 volunteer bird counters in more than 2,500 locations across the Western Hemisphere. […]
Press Release – Gillette students Drayson Hladky and Tom Lubnau made Wyoming U.S. Senator Mike Enzi’s list of nominees to the United States service academies for 2018. Hladky received a nomination to the Naval Academy. Lubnau received a nomination to the Air Force Academy, Naval Academy and Military Academy. Enzi nominated 26 Wyoming students for […]
GILLETTE, Wyo. – During a December 3 promotion ceremony, Thomas Albin of Gillette, was promoted to staff sergeant in the Wyoming Army National Guard. Albin is a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System section chief in A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 300th Field Artillery, and has been a member of the Wyoming National Guard for seven years. […]