Local News
Page: 188
Press Release – Congress is one step closer to passing concrete reforms to the broken U.S. tax code as the full Senate took up consideration of tax reform legislation earlier today, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo. Speaking on the Senate floor, Enzi said this bill would help grow the economy, create jobs and ensure […]
Press Release – Devils Tower National Monument plans to design and construct a new accessible approach route to the Tower Trail, a 1.3 mile hiking trail around the base of the Tower. The National Park Service recently created an Accessibility Task Force to recommend a more effective organizational approach to improving accessibility across the service. […]
Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving a theft that occurred on the 3800 block of Tepee Street. On November 25, 2017 between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., unknown persons stole approximately $700 in welding cables from the back of a work truck in the area. If you have information that can solve this or […]
Press Release —Fur Kids Foundation (FKF) announces two fundraisers in December to benefit their emergency veterinary fund: Kitty Cats and Cupcakes; and Holiday Phots with the Campbell County Fire Department. “We’re asking pet lovers to clear their schedules the first two Saturdays in December and come have some fun with Fur Kids Foundation!” says […]
Please join Gillette College tonight, November 28, in celebrating the Holiday Season. A free event for the citizens of Campbell County: pictures with Santa, cookies, crafts, hot chocolate , apple cider, egg nog, and a performance by the energy City Voices. 4:30 pm Cookies with Santa & kids crafts 5:30 pm Energy City Voices performance […]
Press Release – 2017 Holiday Lighting Contest, Houses must be nominated. Nominate yourself, a friend or a neighbor Nominations must be in by December 12th. RULES – The contest is only eligible to houses/addresses inside Gillette City Limits. – You must be 18-years-old or older to participate. – You must be nominated to have your […]
Press Release – The CAM–PLEX Multi–Event Facilities invites you to share the magic of Christmas in the Heritage Center Gallery this season. The 29th Annual Invitational Wreath Exhibit will be on display in the Heritage Center Gallery November 27 through December 21. The exhibit features wreaths crafted by local non–profit organizations and elf trees decorated […]
Press Release – CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD OPENINGS Applications can be picked up in the Administration Office at City Hall (201 E. 5th Street, 3rd Floor) or downloaded here. If you have any questions, please contact City Administration at (307) 686-5203. All applications due Friday, December 1st. Parks & Beautification Board One (1) Partial Term Expiring 6/30/2020 […]
Press Release – Youth hunters will have a special opportunity this fall to pursue pheasants. On Saturday and Sunday November 25 and 26, 2017 there will be a youth pheasant hunt at the Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site. The event is an opportunity for families and friends with young people ages 17 and younger to […]
Press Release – The City of Gillette has a partial term opening on the City Council for Ward 1. Applicants must be 18 years of age and reside within Ward 1 to be eligible. [WARD 1 Map] Upon appointment by the Gillette City Council, the successful applicant will serve until the next general municipal election at which time a successor […]