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Scammers are constantly adapting and the recent COVID-19 national emergency is no exception. The FCC has learned of a number of ways fraudsters are seeking to take advantage of consumers. From fake testing kits and unproven cures to government imposter scams and work from home schemes, robocall scams are being updated to reflect the current crisis. These scams prey on our most vulnerable […]

CHEYENNE – Governor Mark Gordon announced today that the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services (DWS) and the Wyoming Workforce Development Council (WWDC) are offering $300,000 in grants to support businesses in order to avert or shorten layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Wyoming.  “I am working tirelessly to find and deploy tools to strengthen Wyoming […]

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist have extended the three existing statewide health orders through April 17 to slow community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) and protect lives. Current orders closing public places including schools, prohibiting gatherings of 10 people or more in a single room or confined space (including […]

[ Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli Donating Bread to Local Communities, #sharetheloaf ] Denver, Colorado – Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli is donating free bread to their communities starting Monday, March 23rd in Bakersfield, California for our #sharetheloaf Campaign. Follow all of our locations across the country at Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli – Corporate as they pass the torch from […]

CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist have issued a third statewide order, closing non-essential personal services.  The order goes into effect tomorrow, March 25, and extends through April 3. The order is focused on businesses where appropriate social distancing measures are not practical.  The closure applies to nail salons, […]

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