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The following business are closed or have a delayed opening: Gillette/Campbell County Airport-delayed due to drifting Campco FCUPinnacle Bank -open at 10am (Drive thru only)First Interstate Bank- open 10am-1pm downtown location only Security State Bank-open at 10 am First Northern Bank- drive up open from 10am-2pm First National Bank- downtown branch open 10 am-1pm ( 59 and RC Branch […]
CCH restricts visiting at The Legacy and Maternal Child Unit due to Flu December 2018 GILLETTE, WY – Campbell County Health has initiated visiting restrictions at The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center and Campbell County Memorial Hospital Maternal Child unit due to cases of the flu, or influenza. Visiting restrictions are in place to help […]
The holidays are here and that means decorations come out of storage and guests gather. Keep your beloved furbabies safe by taking a few moments to pet-proof your home for the holidays to avoid unforeseen hazards. Avoid These Dangerous Foods Chocolates- Chocolate products contain methylxanthines, which include caffeine and theobromine. Depending on the type and amount […]
The Gillette City Council has selected Nathan McLeland to fill the vacant Ward 3 seat. Mr. McLeland was selected from a field of 9 candidates that were interviewed at the December 11th City Council Work Session. He will be appointed and sworn in at the January 2nd, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Gillette City Council. The […]
The City of Gillette is pleased to announce that Deputy Building Official Jim Brown has been re-elected to the International Code Council Board of Directors.Mr. Brown was selected for a 3-year term by his peers to represent Idaho,Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The board is […]
Introducing the first ever Whiskers, Wreaths, and Wet Noses Holiday Event. The Friends of the Gillette Animal Shelter are excited to announce a wonderful opportunity to help the needy and homeless animals of our community. They will be holding a silent auction for wreaths at the Animal Shelter located at 950 West Warlow Drive. The wreaths will […]
On December 5th, 2018 a fatal crash occurred at milepost 8 on US 85 (South Greeley Highway). At 6:17 p.m., Wyoming Highway Patrol troopers were dispatched to the area for a crash involving a vehicle and a pedestrian. A 2013 Dodge van was traveling northbound on US 85. The driver of the Dodge observed a pedestrian […]
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – In keeping with Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s commitment to work closely with states to enhance conservation, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today announced the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and proposed plan amendments addressing Greater Sage-Grouse conservation on public land in Wyoming. The proposed plan amendments […]
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., praised the Trump Administration for releasing a plan today to roll back an Obama-era regulation which essentially stopped new coal power plants from being constructed in the United States. The proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would lift requirements that tried to force newly-built coal power […]
Press Release – The Wyoming Integrated Test Center in Gillette was honored for their leadership in carbon capture storage technology today, receiving the Peabody Global Clean Coal Award at a ceremony in Orlando, Florida. “From the beginning, the Wyoming Integrated Test has been focused on changing the game for carbon capture not just here in the […]