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Press Release – Robin Bailey is the recipient of the first Wyoming Volunteer of the Year Award from the Wyoming Hospital Association (WHA). The new award, presented at the WHA annual conference on September 5 in Laramie, recognizes the contributions that healthcare volunteers make to their organizations and communities. Robin is a regular volunteer at Campbell County Health […]
Press Release – Kayla McGee of Gillette College in Gillette has been selected to travel to NASA’s Ames Research Center this fall to participate in the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) onsite experience. McGee has been selected as one of 319 community college students from across the U.S. to be part of the NCAS onsite […]
Press Release – Veterinarians at the Animal Medical Center in Gillette Wyoming received laboratory confirmation this week that two horses under their treatment tested positive for the West Nile Virus with test still pending on a 3rd case. According to Dr. Marshall Kohr the horses presented with neurological signs such as being wobbly on their feet. […]
Press Release – The Wyoming Republican Party condemns the forced entry and vandalism that took place last week at the Albany County Republican Party office. We applaud the Federal Bureau of Investigation for getting involved in the investigation of this erroneous crime. Furthermore, after learning the space above the office is an occupied residence, the […]
Press Release – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., is accepting applications for nominations to the U.S. military service academies for the 2019-20 school year. Every year, Enzi gives Wyoming youth considering military careers the opportunity to apply for a nomination to the Air Force Academy, the Merchant Marine Academy, the Military Academy at West Point and […]
Press Release – Fall marks the beginning of hunting season on public lands in Wyoming and across the country. BLM values hunting and fishing as meaningful forms of conservation. Hunters and anglers also contribute millions of dollars in retail sales to Wyoming’s economy each year. We encourage you to visit your public lands this season, […]
Press Release – Campbell County Health (CCH) Rehabilitation Services is pleased to announce a Faces of Traumatic Brain Injury presentation by survivor and award winning author Amy Zellmer on Monday, September 17, 2018, at 6 pm at the Gillette College Health Science Education Center, 3801 College Drive in Gillette, Wyoming. The presentation is free and recommended […]
Press Release – The City of Gillette has Yard Waste Compost and Biosolid Compost available for purchase. The cost is $20/cubic yard. Customers can pick up compost 7 days a week from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the facility located at 3101 E. Garner Lake Road. For more information, contact the facility at (307) 686-5274.
Press Release – This year Wyoming and several other states and a Canadian province joined together to start a chronic wasting disease research project that could show if hunting helps control CWD. This prion disease affects deer, elk and moose. CWD is always fatal and studies have shown that it can contribute to population declines among […]
Press Release – A University of Wyoming professor of entomology who has discovered and named more than 190 insect species from 29 different countries – and whose career choice was influenced by Dr. Seuss – is being recognized for his teaching, scholarship, and service. Scott Shaw is recipient of the Andrew Vanvig Lifetime Distinguished Faculty […]