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PRESS RELEASE: Between February 20, 2017 and April 11, 2017, the below listed individuals were charged and arrested  for their involvement in a drug trafficking organization that was involved in the supply, transport and distribution of methamphetamine in southeastern Montana and Sheridan County, Wyoming: Ivan T. GORZALKA, Sheridan, WY:  GORZALKA was indicted by a Federal […]

Press Release – Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving hit and run that occurred at the Fireside Lounge on the 100 block of North Hwy 14/16 at 1133 hours on March 24, 2017. A 2004 to 2008 maroon Ford F-150 with a silver stripe alone the bottom of the truck struck a 2014 Chrysler […]

Press Release – Devils Tower will join 117 other national park sites that normally charge an entrance fee and offer free entrance on both weekends of National Park Week. “Find Your Park” at Devils Tower and enjoy a beautiful drive through the rolling Black Hills of Northeast Wyoming! Come and experience two special events on […]

Press Release – On Wednesday, April 12th, Westwood High School will be hosting Campbell County School District’s annual spring crisis drill. There will be a pre-drill meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the school commons area. The practice drill will begin immediately following the meeting. The school will be applying district crisis procedures to manage a […]

Press Release – The State of Wyoming has been awarded up to $2 million to retrain northeast Wyoming workers impacted by layoffs in the coal industry. Eligible individuals can receive up to $6,500 toward the cost of a retraining program. Governor Mead and the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) worked with the Wyoming Workforce Development Council, […]

Press Release – Dr. Dave Fall resigned from Campbell County School District at last night’s school board meeting. Dr. Fall has been a member of the Board of Trustees for 16 years, eight of those years he served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Fall was also involved with the Wyoming School […]

CCSD Trustee Steps Down, Big CCSD Cuts Approved, A CCSD Trustee Comments on Public Attending Meeting, and a Citizen Tells City Hall His Thoughts on Suggestion to Pay for City Pool as a Utility Service. Plus Much More. Listen Below:

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week is April 9th – 15th. This week is celebrated annually and honors the thousands of men and women who respond to emergency calls, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment, and render life-saving assistance to the world’s citizens. Listen to more below:  

Press Release – Gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases are a growing burden in Wyoming and across the nation, particularly among younger individuals, according to the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH). In Wyoming, the rate of gonorrhea infections has increased six fold from 2012 to 2016. “This kind of growth is not something to unique […]

Press Release –  A statewide tornado drill will be conducted by the National Weather Service and emergency officials around 10:30 A.M. MDT on Wednesday, April 12.  The exercise is used to ensure warning systems are working properly, train emergency service organizations, and educate people how to respond to a tornado warning.  Communities may sound local […]

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