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Press Release – Jordan Fischer, Field Representative for Congressman Liz Cheney, DeAnna Kay, Field Representative for U.S. Senator Michael Enzi and Bri Buckingham Field Representative for U.S. Senator John Barrasso are scheduled to hold “Office Hours” in Wright and Gillette at the following times and places: THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 2017 Wright Office Hours 1:00 p.m. […]

Press Release – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., and John McCain, R-Ariz., today reintroduced the Currency Optimization, Innovation, and National Savings Act of 2017 (COINS Act), legislation that would modernize our currency by moving to a $1 dollar coin, reduce the cost of nickel production and suspend the minting of the penny, which currently costs more than one […]

Press Release — Governor Mead expressed appreciation today for Secretarial Order 3348 that lifted the federal coal leasing moratorium.  Interior Secretary Zinke’s order also stopped work on the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) initiated during the previous administration to revise the BLM’s federal coal program. “I opposed the coal moratorium when it was instituted because the […]

At the March 28th, 2017 Campbell County School Board Meeting, trustees unanimously approved a resolution stating the right to move forward with a lawsuit against the State of Wyoming, if they choose that action in the future. Board Chairman Dr. David Fall said the possible lawsuit would be to ensure education funding complies with the Wyoming State Constitution […]

The Campbell County Fire Department responded to the following incidents on March 28, 2017  At 5:21 p.m. to S. Highway 59 for an emergency medical response.  Upon fire department arrival, the patient was deceased. At 7:50 p.m. to 204 Fairway Drive for the report of a child trapped underneath several large boulders.  Fire department personnel […]

Press Release – Would you know how to react if you were hiking in the Bighorn Mountains and you suddenly came upon a mountain lion or if you were camping and a black bear wandered into your camp? How about if you encountered a wolf or grizzly bear while hiking in Yellowstone National Park? If you’re […]

Press Release — Governor Mead expressed appreciation today for President Trumps’ executive order supporting domestic energy independence. The executive order calls on federal agencies to identify all rules, regulations, policies and guidance documents that stand in the way of energy production.  “Wyoming has been at the front of the fight for coal and better research on […]

Press Release – Campbell County Health’s Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) was recently named one of the Top 20 Rural Community Hospitals in the country. The Top 20 Rural Community Hospitals, including CCMH, scored best among Prospective Payment System hospitals on iVantage Health Analytics’ Hospital Strength Index™. The rankings were recently announced by the National Rural […]

Press Release –Wyoming Mining Association (WMA) Executive Director Travis Deti issued the following statement in anticipation of President Donald Trump’s executive order shifting American energy policy. “We are obviously pleased with these actions.  A main policy goal of the previous Administration was the elimination of coal-fired power generation in this country.  This would have been devastating […]

Press Release – The Forest Service is inviting the public to help identify trails that will be part of a Forest Service effort with partners and volunteers to increase the pace of trail maintenance. Nationwide, the Forest Service will select nine to 15 priority areas among its nine regions where a backlog in trail maintenance contributes […]

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