Local News
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The City of Gillette Parks and Beautification Board is pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Parks Summer Photo Contest. 1st Place General Judges’ Choice – Skylar Wanke 2nd Place General Judges’ Choice – Shauna Carpenter 1st Place Nature & Wildlife Judges’ Choice – Skylar Wanke 2nd Place Nature & Wildlife Judges’ Choice […]
U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., issued the following statement regarding Tuesday’s election. “America once again saw millions of citizens go to the polls to exercise their right to vote on Election Day. No matter their party affiliation, running for office takes a leap of faith and I applaud those who took a chance and put […]
High school juniors and seniors are invited to explore Gillette College during Pronghorn Preview on Friday, Nov. 16. College staff, faculty and current students will guide participants through interactive sessions to prepare them for college. Registration is required by Wednesday, Nov. 14 online at www.gillettecollege.org/pronghornpreview or by calling 307-681-6000. Students planning to attend must work […]
Motorists moving over for law enforcement, emergency, maintenance and other types of vehicles parked on the side of Wyoming highways and interstates are not only abiding by the law but are also keeping their fellow citizens safe. On Nov. 8, the Wyoming Highway Patrol and state patrols from Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota and Montana, as […]
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is seeking information that will lead to the apprehension of the individual(s) responsible for the poaching of two bull elk and a white-tailed deer in northwest Sheridan County. One bull elk and a white-tailed doe were discovered the weekend of Oct. 27 and the second bull elk was discovered […]
NATIONAL RACES U.S. Senate John Barraso, R: 11,017 Gary Trauner, D: 1,628 Joseph Porambo, L: 387 Write-in: 16 U.S. House Liz Cheney, R: 10,290 Greg Hunter, D: 1,680 Richard Brubaker, L: 409 Daniel Clyde Cummings, C: 483 Write-in: 26 STATE RACES Governor Mark Gordon, R: 10,397 Mary A. Thorne, D: 1,855 Lawrence Gerard Struempf, L: […]
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department confirmed a buck white-tailed deer has tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Deer Hunt Area 32. The deer was harvested west of Kaycee. CWD has previously been documented in neighboring deer hunt areas. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is concerned about CWD and how it may […]
Live Coverage Begins at 8:00 p.m. on GPA Cable Channel 192 Gillette Public Access Television will be bringing you live General Election Night Coverage from the GPA-TV Studios and Campbell County Courthouse. Gillette Public Access Television will again be bringing you live General Election Night Coverage from the GPA-TV Studios and Campbell County Courthouse. Coverage […]
City offices will be closed on Monday, November 12th in observance of Veterans Day. Monday’s trash and recycling will be picked on Tuesday with Tuesday’s trash and recycling. The City of Gillette thanks all of those that have served.
Holly Hink never expected to be a patient at Campbell County Health only six weeks after moving to Gillette, Wyoming from Little Rock, Arkansas. The new pediatric nurse practitioner at the Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic first thought her chest discomfort came from exercising at a higher altitude than she was used to. But when the pain […]