Local News

Page: 174

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Press Release – Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving a theft that occurred on the 100 block of Ross. Unknown persons took items from a storage unit sometime between November 2017 and May 2018. Items taken include a blender, a 32” television, photo albums, Christmas ornaments, quilts, and miscellaneous tools. If you have information […]

Runners from northeast Wyoming will tighten up the laces on Saturday, June 2, and challenge the open range courses at the Durham Ranch. In addition to the challenge of competing in the 5-kilometer run or walk and 10-kilometer run, participants will have the satisfaction of knowing they helped raise money for some of their favorite […]

Press Release – The BLM is seeking comments on a draft Environmental Analysis (EA) for the I-90 Corridor Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management Plan which will designate an appropriate and sustainable system of routes for motorized travel that provide a quality recreational experience.  The EA addresses only roads on BLM-administered surface within the I-90 corridor. The I-90 corridor […]

Press Release – On May 26th, 2018, law enforcement was advised to be on the lookout (BOLO) for a suicidal subject driving a 2002 Ford F-150 pickup in Albany County Wyoming. The subject and vehicle were located on Vedauwoo Road (Forest Service Road 700) in the Medicine Bow National Forest approximately 12 miles east of Laramie, Wyoming […]

Press Release – The Gurley Overpass will be closed from May 29th through August 16th. The reason for this closure is for repairs to the deck surface. This will be a complete closure of the overpass. The overpass will not open at night or on weekends as it did last year for the Barrier Rehabilitation […]

Press Release – On Friday, May 25, Campbell County Health (CCH) Patient Financial Services moves to the Pioneer Building, 900 W. Eighth Street in Gillette—formerly known as Pioneer Manor. The Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) Patient Accounting office and Campbell County Medical Group (CCMG) Central Billing Office will be closed on Friday, May 25 for the […]

Press Release – The custom of honoring ancestors by cleaning cemeteries and decorating graves is an ancient and worldwide tradition, but the specific origin of Memorial Day, or Decoration Day is not a totally clear path. In early rural America, this duty of cleaning the cemetery was usually performed in late summer when families would […]

Press Release – Of all high school state championships – football, golf, soccer, speech/debate, track and field, etc. – none are more “Wyoming” than the state hunting championships. The 11th annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge, as it’s officially called, will be held June 9 at the Upton Gun Club. Young hunters do not need to qualify […]

Press Release – Put on your dancin’ shoes and bring your appetite to the Rockpile Museum Association’s 2nd Annual Dance Through The Decades. Groove to the music of the 40’s to 90’s and enjoy a steak dinner for the low price of $25 per person. Prizes will be awarded for the Best Costumes. Join us […]

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