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Press Release – Celebrate northeast Wyoming’s homesteading roots at the 2018 Homestead Heritage Festival! The Campbell County Rockpile Museum invites you to a free indoor/outdoor event on July 21st featuring performances of cultural dance and bluegrass music, demonstrations by skilled traditional artists and craftsmen, and many hands-on activities for adults and children alike. The event […]
At 11:12 p.m. Wednesday a Gillette police officer attempted a traffic stop on a 32 year old male. Lieutenant Brent Wasson said the suspect failed to stop his pickup truck, exited the interstate and entered the temporary RV City at Camp-Plex, he later drove through numerous yards at Fox Park Subdivision.He eventually crashed the truck […]
At this week’s Campbell County Commissioners meeting, pushback continued towards the recent focus on rules dictating the terms for public comment at the meetings. The rules were picked up after an emotionally charged meeting in early June, where courthouse security was called to check in on the situation. A new development this week was commissioner Clark Kissack joining […]
Press Release – Members of FMCA, a Cincinnati-based organization for RV owners, are in Gillette for a four-day event focusing on various aspects of their favorite form of travel. A small city on wheels will take shape as the owners of nearly 2,000 RVs converge on CAM-PLEX Multi-Event Facilities, July 18 through 21. During FMCA’s […]
Press Release – Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) Maternal Child registered nurse Amy Ashbeck talks about the process used in the design of the inpatient room replacement project, involving employees, doctors and community members. Hear how the team mapped out the workflow for caregivers, taking the best ideas from other healthcare facilities and asking the […]
Press Release – Wyoming’s leadership in advancing carbon management technology was highlighted today at a hearing in Washington, D.C. where congressional leaders took note of the innovative Wyoming Integrated Test Center (ITC) public-private partnership that resulted in one of the first testing facilities in the United States that could host large pilot scale projects. “Technology is apolitical […]
Press Release UPDATE: The Reno Fire, located in northern Campbell County on the Bowers Ute Road, is estimated at 300 acres of burned grass, brush, and timber. The fire is partially contained at this time. Multiple resources remain on the fire; State helicopter, County Road and Bridge dozer and blades, 2 BLM engines, and multiple […]
Press Release – According to the U.S. Climate Data, the average rainfall for July is 1.81 inches of rain. The line of thunderstorms that passed over Gillette in the early morning hours of July 16, 2018, produced more than half of the month’s average rainfall in a few hours, 1.15 inches, according to Campbell County Emergency […]
Press Release – In an effort to give the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner clear authority to fire senior officials for misconduct or poor performance, Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., cosponsored the IRS Accountability Act of 2018. “It is important that we can hold employees of the IRS accountable for their actions no matter how high up […]
Press Release – The Wyoming WIC Program, which is operated by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), offers nutritious food items, as well as many other benefits, for many Wyoming families. “WIC helps all kinds of families, including working families. We don’t just help moms. Dads, grandparents, legal guardians or foster parents with infants or […]