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Press Release –  U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., joined Senator Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and 28 other Senate Republicans last week to urge the Trump Administration to expand access to lower-cost health insurance to potentially millions more Americans. In a letter sent to the Department of Labor, the senators urged it to issue a final […]

National Weather Service – Overall it will be cool and wet this Saturday through next week. Average temps are 53/80 (Rapid City), 49/79 (Gillette), and 56/84 (Philip), and overall we should be 5-10 degrees below the average highs, with Father’s Day and Monday especially cool and wet(temperatures struggling to reach the low 60s on Sunday). […]

Press Release – Hundreds of RV families are pointing their modern-day stagecoaches toward Gillette, Wyoming, to take part in an event that FMCA — an international association for RV owners — has dubbed “Wanted In Wyoming” in honor of the host area. CAM-PLEX Multi-Event Facilities will be the venue for FMCA’s 98th International Convention & […]

Press Release – The Campbell County Health (CCH) Board of Trustees is now accepting applications for a trustee to fill a vacancy. Applications can be completed online or downloaded at, or can be picked up at CCH Administration, located at 501 S. Burma Avenue, near the Human Resources Department on the Ground Floor. Completed applications […]

Press Release – At a Senate hearing Tuesday, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., thanked the Trump Administration for presenting a blueprint earlier this year, known as “American Patients First,” to help lower drug prices for consumers. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, who attended the hearing as a witness, described the proposal as […]

Press Release – A broad coalition of stakeholders met Monday, June 11, 2018 at a statewide forum on public safety to identify priorities and discuss how Wyoming will use a data-driven approach to analyze and address challenges in the state’s criminal justice system. Wyoming’s prison population has increased significantly in recent years and is projected to […]

Press Release – Devils Tower area residents celebrate history with music and picnics at the Old Settlers’ Picnic on Sunday June 24. Festivities will begin at 12:30 pm in the picnic area at Devils Tower National Monument. Pioneer gatherings at the Tower started during the 1890s.  The men and women who settled the towns and […]

Press Release – In partnership with other federal, state, and local groups, the BLM is initiating a new plan for the public lands within the Weston Hills Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) in Campbell County which will consider a variety of actions to enhance or restore ecological conditions and improve recreation opportunities.  The BLM will complete […]

Press Release – Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving a theft that occurred on the 200 block of Sunset Drive. On June 3, 2018 at approximately 0230 hours, unknown persons entered a building and took several items. Several of the items were recovered in the surrounding area, but two Traxxas RC cars, and a […]

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