Local News
Page: 155
Press Release – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is operating game check stations throughout the fall and hunters and anglers are reminded that they must stop at every station they encounter. State law requires that hunters, anglers and trappers stop at any established check station they pass on their way to or from their hunting […]
Press Release – Campbell County Health Information Technology employee Harwell (Navar) Holmes is one of eight featured speakers at the upcoming Wyoming Cybersecurity Symposium on October 17-18 in Laramie, Wyoming. Navar is the Cyber Security Administrator for the health system in Gillette, Wyoming, and has been with CCH since September 2002. He has more than 23 […]
Press Release – On October 5, WyoLottoTM transferred $1,407,967 to the State Treasurer’s Office. The State Treasurer distributes the funds to cities, towns, and counties, where they decide how to best use it for local projects that benefit their communities. This is the second highest amount ever transferred to the state since the launch of the […]
Press Release – The Campbell County Rockpile Museum is pleased to announce two presentations by Ashley Hlebinsky of the Cody Firearms Museum at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. On Friday, Nov. 9th at 7:00 p.m. she will discuss her work as curator of the renowned collection of firearms at the Buffalo Bill Center […]
Press Release – Once again the Campbell County League of Women Voters and Gillette Public Access Television are hosting General Election Candidates’ Forums. The Candidates’ Forums are designed to provide voters with the information they need to make informed decisions on their ballot. There will be three forums each starting at 6:00 p.m. in the […]
Press Release – Governor Matt Mead will kick off the 2018 Governor’s Business Forum, which takes place November 13-15 at the Little America Hotel and Resort in Cheyenne. This year’s forum focuses on how Wyoming can chart a new course by pioneering technology frontiers, pursuing international trade and looking for ways to revolutionize the way the […]
Press Release – What opinions might people form about your business before they even step inside? What impressions might people form from your online presence? Dana Miller Eiland, owner of Sign Boss, will talk about the importance of first impression at the Oct. 16 Lunch & Learn at the Energy Capital Enterprise Center, 345 Sinclair […]
Press Release – Crime Stoppers needs your help in solving a destruction of property that occurred between August 8th, 2018 and August 9, 2018. Unknown persons attempted to gain entry into a white 2013 Ford F-150 in the area of 12th Street and Butler Speath road. Approximately $1000 in damage was done to the vehicle […]
Press Release – With breast cancer the second-leading cause of cancer death among women, the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) encourages state residents to take time to learn about breast cancer and important, recommended screenings. In 2016, 411 Wyoming women were diagnosed with breast cancer. It is estimated that more than 265,000 women in the […]
Press Release – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., supported a procedural motion in the Senate today that set up a final vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. After the vote, Enzi released the following statement. “I have read the FBI’s supplemental background investigation on […]